Tips In Reviewing For Exam

review for exam, exam performance, study tips, exam review, exam preparation, test taking strategies, lifethinkler

1. Make A Reviewer


Make sure that you have a reference. Something you can use to create another type of ‘notebook’ could be your notes, PowerPoint, or a file that you used in your previous lesson. I recommend that it is much better to create other notes but only write the key points and keywords so you don’t have to rewrite all your lessons. In this way, it would be easier for you to familiarize yourself and understand the words while rewriting them.



2. Schedule your time for a Review


Always set a date and time for you to review. It could be days before the day of your exam or the day before, depending on your schedule and responsibilities, but always a lot of time for your review this will help you keep on track and focus on your academic responsibility. Also, the best time for review is in the mid-afternoon, not too early because for sure there are things you must do first, and not too late because you could be sleepy already.



3. Familiarize the keywords


You don’t have to make yourself suffer by memorizing all the lines of text in your notes, the easy way out is to understand and familiarize the keywords in your previous lessons. When you understand the context, it would easy for you to remember the words.


4. Have some snacks


This thing could be a type of reward for you, like a little good luck and a good job for keeping up on your academic work. Getting some chocolates for you helps you keep motivated and alive while reviewing your notes.



5. Rest in between


If you’re reading for about 15-30 minutes straight, you should take a rest for at least 5 minutes. This will help you to stay focused on what you have previously read and avoid being bombarded by words.


6. Avoid using your phone


Technology is important in terms of researching or adding knowledge to your notes but as much as possible avoid using your phone if you’re just going to scroll in your social media. Using your phone while reading makes you focus, and could ruin the track of the notes that you are reviewing.


7. Review


I recommend you to do this because this is one of the very effective ways to remember all you have read on the day of your review. What I meant about re-view is another way of scanning your handwritten notes on the day of your exam, this will help to refresh your memory and remember the detail you have read.




These are just some tips for you to effectively review for your upcoming exams but the real tips come within you, where you are comfortable. 


Tags: review for exam, exam performance, study tips, exam review, exam preparation, test taking strategies, lifethinkler

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