Things to remember when you’re angry

managing anger, emotional self-regulation, anger management techniques, stress management, mental health, personal growth, LifeThinker.

1. Your emotion and the situation you are in are just temporary, do not let anger take over you.

2. Do not say something out of anger because those words might negatively affect other people for a long period of time.

3. Do not make decisions out of anger it could negatively affect your life and those people around you.

4. If you are the type of person who can’t control your temper, give yourself a 5-minute break to release all the frustration. This way it will help you calm down and makes you think clearly.

5. You cannot control people’s behavior and decision but you have the ability to control your emotions toward the situation.

6. Do not blame yourself or other people who are not involved when you’re angry, it will just make the problem or situation worst, and it will lead to misunderstanding than finding a solution.

7. Deep breathing, will help you feel calm.

8. Make sure you have a go-to person where you can rant and talk things out, this will help you lessen the anger you’re feeling but if writing it all out in your journal rather than talking makes you feel more comfortable, then put it on your journal.

9. Avoid being violent, and hurting other people or yourself it could become your habit which isn’t good.

10. When you think that it is harder than usual to control your anger, seek a professional.

11. It is normal to feel an emotion such as raging anger as long as you don’t harm yourself or other people even living things just to get out of your frustration.

12. Cry if you need to, it doesn’t make you less of a person.

13. Always put in your mind that whatever things will come out of your mouth or things you will do can affect someone’s life, better think twice before you act.

14. If you know you might do or say something negatively, walk out if it’s necessary this will help to calm the situation.

15. Do not think that you are always right and the other one is wrong, make sure that both parties know each side. 

Tags: managing anger, emotional self-regulation, anger management techniques, stress management, mental health, personal growth, LifeThinker.

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