Things to remember when you are afraid to make mistakes

fear of failure, mistakes, personal growth, resilience, self-improvement, self-confidence, learning from mistakes, LifeThinker.

Are you afraid to make mistakes? Do you ever feel the need to be perfect all the time? It is because of the standard set by society or even the people around you? Or just simply because you just don’t want to disappoint those people who believe in you? Well, whatever reason it is, mistakes cannot be prevented because sometimes it happens in unexpected ways.

Are you the type of person who is afraid to fail? Because I am. I always think that I have to do all the things in rhythm, and if I fail, I will become a disappointment to everyone. Maybe it’s because I’ve been living my life trying to please people, to prove to them that I am worthy of their time and their validation that is why I’m doing everything to be acknowledged. Thinking that maybe if I don’t make any mistakes, people I care about will like me more, they wouldn’t abandon me, and they will treat me the way I treat them. Another reason could be the fear of being left behind because I know that I’m good at everything but can’t be better on something or what they called jack of all trades but master to none, that is why I am trying too hard not to fail but worst is due to fear of failing, most of the time things turned out to something I didn’t expect. In conclusion, fearing to fail even leads to failure.

I hope you had the time to reflect on those things that you think are problem to yourself that affects your perception and even your daily life. One of these is the reasons behind your fear of making mistakes, you have to know them so you can do something about the matter. You should always remember that mistakes are unstoppable, that when you made a mistake, it doesn’t make you less of a person.

These mistakes will help you become a better person and you should not fear those, it will help you widen your knowledge and understand a life situation that will help you to grow. You should not blame yourself for failures because you’re human, it is normal, and no one is an exception to mistakes. You have to remember that we are all human, we create problems, we hurt people intentionally or unintentionally, and we make mistakes but we learned from them and make sure that we will do better the next time. I know failure isn’t something that easy to accept, you have to go through the process of accepting the fact that even though you did your best, you still failed. Feel what you have to feel, but do not be discouraged because there are always second chances for everyone.

Do you make mistakes? Did people get disappointed? You don’t reach society’s standards? Forgive yourself for not being perfect but you should not blame yourself just because you don’t reach people’s standards, it is not your responsibility to do better for them, but your responsibility to do better for yourself.

Tags: Fear of failure, mistakes, personal growth, resilience, self-improvement, self-confidence, learning from mistakes, LifeThinker.

Author: Kristine Andrea Manaloto

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