Support System Matters

support system, mental health, well-being, building, maintaining, challenges, personal growth, self-care, relationships, lifethinkler

Imagine you are going to perform on stage, in front of a huge crowd without barely knowing anyone. You can feel your legs and hands shaking, searching thoroughly in the crowd, hoping for someone you knew to show up, yet no one came, and you just don’t know how to proceed. People are staring at you, as if they are criticizing who you are and what you’re going to do, until someone you knew caught your eye. A heavyweight is lifted in your chest and despite being scared, you are able to perform at your best—and that’s how important it is to have a support system in every aspect of life. When you are in a group of strangers you feel lost and uncomfortable until someone you are familiar with sit beside you, it felt just like home, like calmness in roaring waves, a warm cup of coffee on a rainy night, something that is calming and reminding that no matter what happens someone always got your back.


When you are a graduating student, approaching a different kind of life seems stressful. The challenges that you encounter make you question your existence and purpose. There are times that you even doubt yourself if you can achieve your goals in life, but being surrounded by people who support you and believe in you, makes it easier— makes life bearable.


Being with the right people makes it easy regardless of what you are going through, because you know that at the end of the day, no matter what decisions and path you will take, there are people beside you, to help you get back if you lost your track. And when you doubt yourself, they’re going to be the ones who will push you to keep moving forward; sometimes we just need some people to be there for us as a reminder that we are not alone. Those people who knows the reason behind our silence, who accept us when the world turn their back on us… especially those people, you don’t talk every day, yet whenever you see each other it doesn’t feel like you drifted away because even though you don’t hear from them, they always made you feel important.


Support systems matter in a way, no matter what happens, they always have a special place I your heart because they have given you more than you asked for.


“They always got you”.
I hope you have one.


Tags: support system, mental health, well-being, building, maintaining, challenges, personal growth, self-care, relationships, lifethinkler


Author: Kristine Andrea Manaloto


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