Kind things to do with others

kindness, positive impact, building connections, personal growth, empathy, compassion, altruism, LifeThinker.

1. Smile to them when you glance at each other, a warm smile means “hello” even if they don’t smile back. It could be someone you walk past while going to a terminal or entering a mall, or maybe in the same aisle in a grocery store. Smile to them to make them feel that the humanity and world can be kind to them.

2. Help a person crossing on a highway, even though they don’t ask for help especially those old people, a person with a disability, a child, or a pregnant woman who doesn’t have anyone besides them.

3. Offer help to someone, do them a favor. Ask your neighbor if there is anything they need in the grocery so you buy for them when you go out.

4. Give money or food to a homeless person, they surely needed it.

5. Hug someone you haven’t seen for a long time, and ask them how they’ve been doing.

6. Make someone’s day by complimenting them, it might be just a simple appreciation of how they dress, how they style their hair, or even their looks—you never know how much they needed that.

7. Talk to a random person you sit with on a bench, or on a bus, somewhere public where you just have a little chit-chat about life. You’ll know that at some point they will cherish that moment with a random stranger.

8. Give tips when you ride a taxi or when you eat in a restaurant.

9. Share your favorite song with someone, they might be needed to hear that.

10. Remember your friends’ special days, it would mean so much to them even the little things they never thought you’d remember, tell them.

11. Be kind how you talk to staff when you go to the mall, restaurant, or other business establishments because they’ve been working all day with different people, it’s not that hard to be kind when asking or asking them to do a favor for you even tho it’s their job.

12. Be kind in how you talk to other people, you don’t know what people go through every day.

13. Feed stray cats and dogs.

14. If you know you can do something in your capabilities, do something for others. Even if it’s giving them money when they are short in paying for their groceries or just simply lending them money when they needed it.

15. Lastly, be kind in how you talk to yourself.

Tags: kindness, positive impact, building connections, personal growth, empathy, compassion, altruism, LifeThinker.

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