How to Survive Pandemic Schooling

pandemic schooling, remote learning, online classes, virtual classrooms, tips for students, strategies for learning, distance education, lifethinkler

Since 2020, schools have decided to close because of the spreading of a contagious virus — Covid-19. And most of the students quit schooling for a while for a lot of reasons including gadgets, internet connection, learning efficiency etc. But to those who continue studying, here are the 7 tips to survive online classes despite of uncertainties:  



1. Be futuristic. 

Just accept the current set-up, it will help you to focus more on your study.


2. Always be on “study-mode.” 

There are times that doubt will silently whisper on you saying it’s not enough, do not listen to it. Always do everything that will make you focus on academics.


3. Manage your time.

Pandemic schooling became a burden because of house chores included in your schedule. Balance it, make time for house chores and your academics.


4. Be an explorer.

If somehow you did not get a certain topic lectured by a teacher, self-studying would be prudent. Look for educational websites or Youtube itself. You’ll find it easier having a lot of resources.


5. Find study group buddies.

Learning is inefficient when you learn everything by yourself. A company will help. Learning is more efficient when a couple of brains are sharing together.


6. Don’t hesitate to raise your hand in the online session. 

If the topic is quite difficult, open your microphone and ask for clarifications. It is a teacher’s job to answer and facilitate you for better learning.


7. Give your best. 

You will feel fatigueness when you are studying well and that is normal. It is part of the common obstacle that you must conquer to have good scores and higher grades in pandemic schooling. Just keep on keeping on.


Rest is also important. Your brain cells need to rest and recharge to function well in the following days. Do not just give all your time to academics. Go to a coffee shop, watch in the cinema, bond with your friends. A balanced life will lead to a successful life.  


Tags: pandemic schooling, remote learning, online classes, virtual classrooms, tips for students, strategies for learning, distance education, lifethinkler


Author: B. Carlos

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