Generation EX(perimental): the not-so-complete survival guide

generation experimental, survival guide, tips, advice, lifestyle, career, relationships, personal development, lifethinkler

The first batch of senior high school graduates who also took up the new curriculum in college will have their togas and caps worn in their most-awaited celebration of finally completing their academic journey. However, before reaching that momentum, let us have a briefer if you got what it takes to survive all of the academic struggles they had to face in order to have this milestone soon.


1. Take (more than) enough caffeine a day.

Coffee is becoming accessible more than water or sodas when you enter college, especially with how challenging the new curriculum in tertiary education is. Aside from being a study buddy, your coffee will sometimes help you to be boosted every day. Treat your coffee as your source of inspiration for you to slay the day! If caffeine is your inspiration, I know you will have a long way to go. But make sure that you take it with moderation.


2. Prioritize your priorities.

In college, there is no such thing as no priorities because as you immerse yourself inthe courses you are taking, especially its required readings and tasks, you will have the chance to see how you can navigate this course for your survival. Survival of the fittest is one of the golden rules in college, or at any level in education, and with that, you have to prioritize everything for you to survive and have a clear journey to your graduation. From a simple listing of tasks per day up to organizing your daily goals—whatever method you will use, always remember that your main priority is for you to finish everything on time without jeopardizing anything yourself.


2. Learn to cencede defeat.

Your days will not always be good, mostly it could be bad and that is OK. Before graduation, there may be times whenit feels like you need to surrender and just let everything go. There will be some stressful days in college, especially when graduation is just around the corner, and that is OK. Stressful days are now part of the reality of being a student, but we must ensure that our stress for that day must be acknowledged and validated so that we can process how we canget away with it. Sometimes conceding defeat to stress is a good solution to de-stress. What we mean by conceding defeat to stress is for you to take all the breaks you need to manage your stress and return to your track once you are good to continue with your journey.


Tags: generation experimental, survival guide, tips, advice, lifestyle, career, relationships, personal development, lifethinkler


Author: Christian Loid Valenzuela

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