To Graduate or Not to Graduate?

Photo by Albert Vincent Wu

How important is graduation to you? Do you want to experience it because you are longing for a finality to your academic journey? Do you want to wear your toga and receive your diploma because it means you are now liberated from the lion’s den? Or do you want to graduate because it means entering… Continue reading To Graduate or Not to Graduate?

Writing with Folklore

Photo by Green Chameleon:

As we have studied traditional literature last year, one thing piqued my attention. Folklore became interesting to me because of how it was preserved and how it still exists today. Little did we know, as a child reader, we often encountered (and also enjoyed) reading folklores. But with the rapid changes in Literature, folklore adapts… Continue reading Writing with Folklore

Why Studying Literature is Important?

Photo by Iñaki del Olmo:

Literature is one of the most interesting and significant expressions of humanity. P.T. Barnum   Studying Literature does not only comprise of endless reading of novels, poems, short stories; it is more than that. Studying Literature does not only revolve around answers to questions like: “Who is the author of this work?”, “What is the… Continue reading Why Studying Literature is Important?

The Role of English-American Literature: from ideals to reality

Photo by Thought Catalog:

English-American Literature resonates until today even though their roots dates back hundred years ago. One of their significant highlights is language. As we can observe, the mastery of the language by the writers developed over time, leading them to create and promote literary techniques in storytelling, such as stream of consciousness. Another development is being… Continue reading The Role of English-American Literature: from ideals to reality

Are you a Graduating Student

Photo by Juan Ramos:

As the cliché always says “a new chapter” or “a beginning and new journey” after you graduate from college, this is where you start to think seriously about your future and consider the consequences of every decision you will make. They say at this stage, you start to become more practical in life and mature.… Continue reading Are you a Graduating Student

15 Quotes For Graduation Post

Photo by Vasily Koloda:

Are you a graduating student opening another chapter in your life? Congratulations! I hope you had a wonderful one last time, but are you excited to welcome your new journey? Very eager to learn and inspire other people by sharing your insights and experiences for the past year? I have 15 inspirational quotes from you… Continue reading 15 Quotes For Graduation Post

Tips In Reviewing For Exam

Photo by Museums Victoria:

1. Make A Reviewer   Make sure that you have a reference. Something you can use to create another type of ‘notebook’ could be your notes, PowerPoint, or a file that you used in your previous lesson. I recommend that it is much better to create other notes but only write the key points and… Continue reading Tips In Reviewing For Exam

Now That You’ve Graduated, What’s Next?

Photo by Rochelle Nicole:

You’ve spent the last 4 years or maybe more to get your degree but is it the end of your journey? Indeed, it is kind of exhausting just to get a diploma and a lot of choices waiting for you to take. Most of your batchmates already have a blueprint of plans, whether to continue… Continue reading Now That You’ve Graduated, What’s Next?

How to Survive Pandemic Schooling

Photo by Annie Spratt:

Since 2020, schools have decided to close because of the spreading of a contagious virus — Covid-19. And most of the students quit schooling for a while for a lot of reasons including gadgets, internet connection, learning efficiency etc. But to those who continue studying, here are the 7 tips to survive online classes despite… Continue reading How to Survive Pandemic Schooling

Tips In Effective Reviewing Before Exams

Photo by Green Chameleon:

Whether online or face to face classes, we cannot change the fact that exams are still held the same, camera on, time-limited, monitored. If you are having difficulty in reviewing here are the few tips for you:   1. Set the best time that suits you. For sure you are a student and time is… Continue reading Tips In Effective Reviewing Before Exams