20 Life Quotes and Captions

life quotes, captions, inspiration, motivation, social media, Lifethinkler

Life can be unexpected but there is always a good thing in it. Here are some life quotes you can keep or post on your timeline:


“Life is not a race. Live it at your own pace.”


“You only live once, explore and do things that you never expect you can.”


“You will meet two kinds of people in life. One will teach you a lesson and the other will be your reason to go on.”


“Live your life with a purpose.”


“Love what you do, do what you love.”


 “Wear your smile every day. It is the best makeup you can ever wear.”


“Love people, but do not forget to love yourself as well.”


“Do not compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20.”


“Don’t chase. Let them leave and treasure those who will stay.”


“You are not meant for everyone. Do not force someone in your life who’s unwilling”


“You cannot please everyone yet always do the right thing.”


“Choose your own peace over an argument. There are arguments not worthy of your time.”


“Always forgive someone you love but don’t let him take you for granted.”


“Do not force love. Love will naturally find you at the right time.”


“Love God above all things.”


“Treasure someone who is with you now because you don’t know the time you will part ways. At least you don’t have regret in the end.”


“Be wise in sharing your life with anyone. Find someone who is accountable to you.”


“Choose a friend who will bring the best in you.”


“No matter what this life throws at you, you just keep on keeping on.”


“Giving up is not an option.”


Tags: life quotes, captions, inspiration, motivation, social media, Lifethinkler


Author: B. Carlos

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